Accreditation Exam


In order to become an accredited member of the Federation, you must pass the QKF exam.


Once this step has been completed, you will be able to proceed with your application for accreditation online, by providing your certificate of completion of the examination given by the QKF.


The online certification examination lasts 3 hours and costs $ 40 (taxable). You need a computer with a camera (no phone or tablet), a good Internet connection (no microphone or headset required), and a calculator (not the one on your computer). Note that you will need to log into a Zoom meeting for the duration of the exam.

The exam is offered in French or English version. Its purpose is to determine whether kinesiology graduates have demonstrated sufficient proficiency to begin practicing as a kinesiologist. The certification exam serves to protect the public during their interaction with the kinesiologist.


The exam is valid for a period of 12 months. If your accreditation is not completed within this period, you will need to repeat the exam.

Consult the study guide to obtain the general objectives of the accreditation examination. We do not offer preparatory sessions for this review.


To be eligible for The Quebec Kinesiologists Federation's accreditation exam, you must graduate from an undergraduate degree in kinesiology at a Quebec university *.

* Requirements for applicants who have studied at a foreign university: Contact the Department of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion for a comparative evaluation of studies done outside Quebec. For Canadian diplomas outside Quebec, send us a copy of your complete transcript to study your eligibility for the exam at


Next Accreditation Date Exams


Visit the events section regularly to register for the online exam, in English or French. If no date is posted on the site, it has not been determined yet. However, you should know that online exams will be offered every month.

Requirements for Registration for the Exam

1 - Visit the events section for upcoming dates and register for the exam that's convenient for you.

2 - Send now an unofficial copy of your kinesiology baccalaureate transcript to:

3 - Ask the registrar of your university to send your official transcript with DATE of DIPLOMA of the baccalaureate in kinesiology (check that it is complete before the request), DIRECTLY to the email: c_chevillon @ OR the following address (do not send to the FKQ office):

Cécile Chevillon
553 rue de la Canadienne
Mont-Blanc (QC) J0T 2G0


No official transcript passing through the candidate's hands will be accepted. Applications are made online through your university registrar. This statement must certify the end of studies. Otherwise, it must be accompanied by an official certificate of completion.

Ask your university to send your official transcript to the QKF: requests are made online via the registrar of your university (check that it is complete before requesting). This statement must certify the end of studies (date of graduation). Otherwise, the statement must be accompanied by an official certificate of graduation. It is mandatory that the registrar sends the original document to the following e-mail: or address:


ATTENTION: The diplomas without the title of "Bachelor in kinesiology" or (KCEP) must reach us for study at the latest 10 days before the examination date (unofficial copy accepted by email). Note that a candidate who does not meet the eligibility criteria will be refused to enter.


Transmission of Results

The results (success or failure) will be sent within 15 days of the date of your exam by email. In the case of failure, an email will indicate the fields of competency that were the least successful. Recovery will be possible, at a cost of $ 40, three months after your first attempt. In the case of a second failure, your file will be automatically submitted to the Complaint Management Committee (CGP) for analysis. The result of the analysis and the recommendations of the CGP will be sent to you by official letter as soon as the processing of your file, between 60 and 90 days.